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Networked seminar on digital media

Archive for February, 2011

Questions Inspired by Engelbart and Nelson

February 28th, 2011 by lspiro

Reading selections from Doug Engelbart’s Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework and Ted Nelson’s Computer Lib opened up several questions:

  • What vision of the human is presented in these readings?
  • How do the ideas of Bush, Engelbart and Nelson (BEN?) compare to each other?
  • According to BEN, how can computers aid in the construction of knowledge?
  • What do we make of the style used by BEN?


February 18th, 2011 by lspiro

Inspired by Gardner Campbell’s “Networked Faculty Development Seminar” called Awakening the Digital Imagination, a group of librarians and educational technologists at Rice are discussing selections from the  ‘The New Media Reader.”  We welcome new members to join us!  Contact Lisa Spiro if you are interested.